OK, from what I can tell so far, this class is going to be the death of me this quarter. I believe I have a handle on my other two classes, but this one has required so much set-up that I feel I am behind already, but the teacher is telling me not to stress. He's seems fairly easy going and willing to work with his students - glory! - cause I need a lot of work!
I will breath in. I will breath out.
I had to set up a new Google site to display my classwork for this class. The site is
Here are the instructions:
1) You will create a webpage using resources available to you.
A) The web page will be used to host all CIS final projects.
B) Must have a home page with links to other pages representing other classes and projects. The home page must include an introductory paragraph describing the main purpose of your webpage including the following.
i.A picture of you
ii.A description of your dream job
iii.Your personal interests
iv.Your major accomplishments or something you are proud of.
And here's what I wrote on my Home page:
I hope over time, this website will reflect the journey I have taken in learning about computer information systems at Treasure Valley Community College.
Although I began my relationship with computers in the early 80's, booting up that Apple II with a 5 1/2" disc to do basic secretarial work and accounting, and later discovered the Internet in 1997, I have a lot to learn about the inside workings of a computer, networking, and types of systems and software in general. It already appears the path will be an exciting one from here.
I have had many occupations throughout my working career and then was able to home school my sons for seven years. After that, while they chose to attend public high school, I have worked varied positions (basically whatever was available in our small town) but have planned for some time to attend college for a career that would help me put both of them through college. This career would help me out as well as I don't expect Social Security to do much for me, and I really don't believe I'll ever get the chance to retire.
After a home school field trip to a St. Anthony's Hospital in Pendleton, I decided that Radiology would be my endeavor. Where I currently live, I have been limited to online classes as the only opportunity for the higher education prerequisite classes I need. I have not been able to move my family because I must stay here for my youngest son to obtain a substantial scholarship from the high school for going all four years and maintaining his 4.0 GPA. Meanwhile, I became discouraged by the fierce competitiveness of the Radiologic Technology field, finding out that I MIGHT be able to start those classes in 2014.
Our TVCC counselor asked me what interested me in Radiology and I had to admit it was working with the computers. Since then I've found out about digital imagery and am thrilled about how it combines my two interests, so my sights are now set on a CIS degree to work within a hospital environment.
My dream job would entail becoming a PACs Administrator for a medical missionary organization like YWAM's (Youth with a Mission) Medical Ships or something like Doctors Without Borders. Of course, this would be after I've sent my sons through college and am assured they will take care of me in my old age when I return home... lol.
I have a lot of interests: geocaching, scrapbooking, fly fishing, leather work, collecting squished pennies, biking, hiking and camping. I love to travel and see new things. I've recently renewed my adventures into genealogy and have just traced one pedigree back to the 1630's in France!
I have to admit that my two sons are the biggest part of my life, as I believe they should well be at this time, and my ongoing greatest accomplishment. Teenagers! they can drive me crazy but I love them to bits and wouldn't trade them for "all the tea in China." I am most proud of the open relationships I have with each of them and the fact that we talk a lot, and about everything... and not that we agree on much, but at least we can talk about it. I am both proud of the young men they are and at the same time worry about them and some of the choices they make. I pray we'll all survive these teen years and I'll live long enough to truly be proud of the grown men I hope they will become. As you can see on my sidebar, my youngest is currently in Sweden as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. I expect him home mid-July and he'll go on to experience his Senior year of high school. I miss him terribly, but Skype is great, and I know he is learning life lessons as he is growing up on the other side of the world. I am happy to have my oldest still at home, completing high school and planning to head toward a career in welding.
I look forward to my sons spreading their own wings, heading off to college and other new horizons in the next couple of years, while for myself, I am looking ahead to other adventures like school and moving somewhere new to pursue my classes and a career... and hopefully, finding more time to catch up on all my hobbies!
Sue :)
I sure like to talk, don't I? I really think I need to try my hand at writing a novel or something! haha :)