Here's something I had to blog about at the end of last week... dreams. Aren't they interesting?
They say that you dream when you hit that really, really deep REM sleep. So why is it, after my alarm clock goes off and I fall back asleep, I dream before the snooze button sounds off again? Do I really hit that deep sleep in just a matter of seconds? This is especially intriguing to me since it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r for me to fall asleep at night in the first place.
Anyway, what I wanted to ask was... Do you see things in your dreams that you perceive to be something different, or a person is actually someone else? I wanted to know if I was the only one. I am sure I am not.
There will be a person in my dream, and I can't actually make out the face or anything, or they look like someone but I know it's my son, or my dad, or the lady down the street. Isn't that strange? Or I will see something and I can describe it perfectly, but it's not at all what I know it to be.
Case in point: Friday morning, I had a dream about a snowflake drifting down. Kind of like the feather in the opening scenes of Forrest Gump... seen from above, I just watched it float back and forth, going down. I know it was a snowflake. And I even said, "that's the biggest snowflake I've ever seen!" However, it didn't look anything like a snowflake. In fact, it wasn't even white.
What is did look like was a chocolate curl. You know, like on the top of a fancy cake, where you use a knife and scrape a curl from a bar of chocolate? My snowflake was the color and texture of a chocolate curl, only it was about 2 inches square. I could see the texture of it in fine detail, and it was perfectly square. It was a beautiful chocolate curl - but it was a snowflake.
Funny. Dreams can be really strange.