Wednesday, September 28, 2011


A defining moment is a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified.

Allowing a single moment to define us is differnt, and totally manangable by our own person.

9/11 is characterized as a defining moment for our country. It revealed our collective nature as a whole. A defining moment might happen at the grocery store when you are given back too much change - how you handle the situation at that moment, may define your character. These might be similar but not totally the same as "aha" moments when you discover something about yourself or a situation... when you finally get it.

However, there are moments... &$@# happens... we make mistakes...

But do we allow that moment to define us, our year, our lifetime? We can make that choice... it doesn't just happen to us. An event may happen to us, but how we handle ourselves after that event - we choose.

Do we feel bad? Come to a place of forgiveness of self.

Did we hurt someone else? or their property? Apologize, perform restitution.

Anything else we can do? If so, do it. If not, apply one or both of the above, and then move yourself along.

Most importantly, contemplate what you can learn from the situation... change the way we do things, make new and different friends, try something else in a similar situation. Become a better person because of it.

Older folks have had several situations like this so far in their lives; younger folks may experience this for the first time and feel unsure as to how to handle themselves.

The best thing is to forgive, and do better.


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