Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 2: Tablets with Phone Functionality

A-ha! While working on Lab 2 and researching the type of computer I'd like to purchase with my fictional $1500... I have discovered that there are indeed 7 inch Tablets out there that have phone capabilities! Many are names I haven't heard of before, but several are connected with Android, so would conceivably have the same accessibility to the apps my son is finding for his Droid 2 Global. Unfortunately, Verizon, my phone company, is only offering a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. But from a YouTube video uploaded by user electricpigtv I found out that the Galaxy has 3G and Voice, so a person can make calls on it, but since it doesn't have an internal microphone you are basically making speaker phone calls and they say the quality isn't "quite up to scratch." They don't address the possibility of using the Bluetooth headset only, so I am unclear how that may work. But, since Verizon announced it would be offering the iPhone just the day after we ordered the Droids, who knows what a few months down the turnpike will bring when my upgrade comes up :) Hey, hey!... maybe a 7" Droid !! Woo-hoo, and make mine purple!

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