Power Point was really fun this week! There is so much you can do, and I learned so many more parts of it... I just need to remember where everything is located! A lot of classes will accept a Power Point Presentation instead of a written paper for a project, so I hope to use this knowledge wherever possible in the future. I used Power Point for a report on Childhood Obesity in my health class about two years ago and it was very basic, but I got a good grade. Hopefully with all the bells and whistles I will be able to make even better presentations.
I really enjoyed expanding our websites. It was so great to get back into the creating groove with the hard-coding. I think some things have changed or grown in HTML since a decade ago (egads! has it been that long!?) and I can't wait to do more on a business website I have decided to create.
Outlook was fairly easy, and even though I use Outlook Express all the time, I learned a few more things about it.
The most difficult project for me this week was the current event. I have been following Julian Assange and what has been going on with Wikileaks for a few months and questioning the power over technology Mr. Assange seems to allude to have. It's not a synopsis at all... I much more loquacious than that, so it turned out to be more of an opinion essay.... hope I don't get marked down for that because I did a lot of research for what I wrote. Anyway, that took me a lot of time because I had so much information and I was having difficulty with the right words coming to me.
All in all, I probably spent about 15 to 19 hours on the work this week, only because I am fairly slow at things sometimes, and wanted to get my words and my web page just right :)
We got snow again this week, but I want everyone to know that summer is bound to come sooner or later, so here's a "little cup of Florida Sunshine" a co-worker brought back to us from vacation...
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