Well now, I will admit I am not the best housekeeper in the world. In all honestly, it is just not that important to me.
I'm a bit of a collector and that tends to clutter things up.
I have a lot of interests, and every interest comes with it's own pile of "must have" goodies.
I'm a bit of a procrastinator so I put off organizing and throwing things away. It's the decision making that wears me out.
I had a friend once tell me, "If you came to see me, stop by anytime! If you came to see my house, call ahead." I agree 100% :)
My heart is always with me, but my home is also where my heart is...
I tend to believe that one of the reasons I have the relationship I have with my sons is because we all didn't have TVs in our separate bedrooms - we sat on the couch and watched shows together, and we talked about life. We didn't go our separate ways, we always tended to congregate in the living room/dining room of our little house, even though, most times, you can't find the surface of the dining room table.
My sons have come to accept this about me, even though I suspect they don't care for it much. But they also know, that they can come through that front door at any time, in any circumstance, and be safe and secure and accepted by me. That there is always a hug waiting for them, an ear to listen to them, a word of advice for them... that I love them for who they are and where they're at in life, even if I don't always agree.
So, it's a little, ordinary house... it's fairly cluttered, our furniture doesn't match, the floor probably needs vacuuming, and there's dishes in the sink... but it's where my heart is, and it's where LOVE is for my family. Yes, there are plenty of bigger houses, and less cluttered houses, but that's not where my heart is... that's not where real love is... my love, is here.
Now I will address those who might argue, "yes, but if you loved your family, you'd keep a better house." To them I answer, I could have a floor clean enough to eat off of, but I've never met anyone who would actually like to eat off of a floor like that. And, when I could have been scrubbing floors and dusting corners, I chose instead to love my family by spending time with my boys playing games or reading or going to see and do things. I could have spent my energies keeping an immaculate house, but then my sons probably wouldn't have had their art projects up on our walls, or their friends over because they might "mess things up", we wouldn't have the memories of the things we've done and experienced, and we most certainly would not have had the parade of pets we've had. If I were that way, I probably wouldn't be the kind of mom who would allow a stuffed bear on her roof either!! I made my choice for what I believed was for the better... you are free to choose for yourself what you believe is for the better.
For those who just believe that I should be different... all I can say is, you don't understand, and you certainly don't understand that I have been going through a process to understand why I want to have things around me the way I do. I've learned a lot about how to weed through and get rid of, and I have been disposing of a multitude of items. I am understanding what I need for my future and what is not important for my future. I'm ready to parcel things off with my boys as they move out. I am ready to release a lot of the stuff I've moved along with me for years. The actual doing takes time, physically and mentally, so I'm sorry that it just hasn't been fast enough for y'all.
OK, I'm done :)
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