Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 10: Tsunami

I was just ending my evening and listening to snippets of the local news, when they reported, just in, "Massive earthquake in Japan." I caught a friend on Facebook and asked if she had heard about it, and she said she was watching Fox News as they were covering it. I don't think I've gotten 4 hours of sleep during the past 20 hours, watching the amazing coverage of the Tsunami roll across the Japanese farmlands. Then the warnings for the Hawaiian Islands. I called a friend in California at 12:30am because her dad spends a lot of time at his condo in Maui, and I wanted to make sure she got a hold of him. The tsunami watch for the coast of the US was upgraded to a warning. News of a fire at one nuclear reactor, and another that they couldn't cool down. More videos coming in. I finally laid my head down at about 3:30am, but got up at 5:00am to see what was going on with Hawaii, and stayed up until they started talking about the waves hitting Crescent City, and then I napped again for a short while. I've been watching the news stations all day as videos are coming in, and the sun rose on Japan.

I am just blown away by the beautiful, neat little farms being taken over by this huge, muddy flow. Unbelievable.

And now we just wait and see what is going to happen with the nuclear reactor, and hope they can find all of the missing people. It's overwhelming and difficult to sit back in my seat.

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad what happened in Japan. I think the worst part about it was that they had no warning; no time to leave, get to higher ground, or get out of the water. I know several people that live on the California coast, and as you said, they were issued tsunami warnings, and told to get to higher ground if at all possible, and stay out of the water. However, from what I've heard, many people decided to continue on with their daily routines, going as far as to surf and jog by the sea. It disgusts me as to how stupid and selfish people can be!
