I'm not allowed to use the word "stressed"...
But here's a snapshot of my life this week:
I work three days a week in a government agency. I like it, but enough said about that.
I work 6 hours every Saturday delivering mail. It's the longest job I've held in this town - probably because it's pretty much straight forward and there's nothing to improve, and also because I don't have to deal much with anyone else, and the world won't stop turning if a little mistake is made. Thank God!
Last week and this week, I'm subbing in the Education Dept. of a minimum security prison that houses 400 men. Now there is a position where you always need to be on guard, be aware of how you dress, and be careful what and how you say things. Oh yeah, and the big, heavy door makes a very loud Click when you walk through to the yard. But hey - I'm carrying a radio!
I'm finishing up 11 credits of college classes this week. I'm pretty sure I'll end with an average of over 94% in all three. No easy piece of cake there.
This Saturday afternoon is graduation at our local high school. I've been invited by several kids - friends of my sons. Then I'm making brownies and bringing chips to an all-night-grad-party, and chaperoning from 1am to 3am.
I have a type of fund-raising Skype Party going on at the local pizza hangout this Thursday for my youngest son who is currently in Sweden. He's been there 10 months and will be coming home in July. I got some of the flyers out, but not all. I hope to get some smaller ones to his friend to pass around at school tomorrow. I should have gotten an article written up for the local newspaper about it, but it's too late now for Wednesday's edition. Rats! Should be fun though for friends to see and talk with him on the computer.
This past month our family dog took a turn for the worse with her cancer, and I watched my older son deal with it in a type of withdrawing manner. She passed away this past Saturday night, we were with her, but I feel a physical heaviness with the guilt of not finding her sickness sooner, and maybe not petting her as often as she wanted... which was like, ALL the time. She was only 6, about half the time we expected her to be in our family. The house feels empty and I am still watching/worrying about my son.
My mother wants to know why I haven't taken the checks she sent in the Easter cards to the bank yet, and tomorrow is the first of June, and it's currently hailing outside.
Welcome to my neck of the woods :)
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